Act 2: 8. Central Europa Cup / 29. – 31. Mai 2014
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David Erismann (YCL) und Susan Buchecker (YCL) gewannen auf „Superbüsi“ SUI 235 zusammen mit Mathias Bermejo (SCT) Erich Buholzer (SCT) Roland Kunz (SCT) die zweite Etappe des 8. Central European Alp-Cup 2014. Die nächste Etappe des Alpen-Cups findet am Urnersee, Brunnen (SUI) statt.
Gmunden 30 May 2014: the Swiss Superbüsi Team wins again after 2012 the Platu25 Central European Alp-Cup at the 11. Traunseeweek. There was a hard fight between the German Berlin based Randale-Team for the 1st place. At third the British Reach Around Team from the Royal Lymington Yacht Club. All 3 teams with only one point difference.
In the CEAC over all after 2 regattas Reach Around leads followed from Swiss El Miracle from Lucerne which win at the first Act at Lake Constance. Superbüsi is at the 3rd with 23 points lag.